What is Storypath?
Storypath: Connecting Children’s Literature to Our Faith Story is a website that has been in existence since 2009. It is a huge online library of children’s books and how they can be used in worship and Christian education settings. The site represents the work of students, faculty, staff and alums at Union Presbyterian Seminary, with campuses in Charlotte, NC and Richmond, VA.
The resources are divided into book reviews, lesson plans using children’s books, and other ideas for using children’s literature in different settings. And it’s not all for children; plenty of books reviewed include those written for Middle School and High School youth. There is a weekly Lectionary Links page that looks at each of the Sunday readings through the eyes of a particular book.
How to use Storypath
Book reviews, lesson plans, ideas for ministry, and a search engine that allows you to seek books related to scripture or themes makes this website and its content a place to bookmark, subscribe to, and visit on a regular basis for excellent resources to supplement your formation ministries with children – and youth!