Looking for the “best” intergenerational ministry curriculum? There are a variety of options from different publishers and denominations. The right choice depends entirely on your context and goals.
Below you’ll find a list of Building Faith’s favorite curriculum options based on theology, availability, and pedagogy. The articles in our Curriculum Center can help you identify your needs, capabilities, and hopes. Looking for more support? Join our free weekly Office Hours or reach out via email.
How To Use This List
For each curriculum “top pick” we list the name, publisher, publication date, curriculum contents, and a brief summary. We have done our best to include helpful information such as:
- how the curriculum works
- digital media options
- additional accompanying materials
- availability of corresponding age-specific curricula for children, youth, or adults
We have organized the options alphabetically by name under three types of curriculum (inspired by this “5 Types of Sunday School Curriculum“ article):
- lectionary and scripture-based
- relationship building
- thematic and seasonal
The name of the curriculum provides a link to the curriculum’s website. The name of the publisher links to their “About” page where you can learn more about their theological approach. If you follow the link for each church denomination, you can review their statement of belief.
As always, when choosing a curriculum for your setting, take into account the theology, biblical interpretation, context, materials, and representation of human identities and experiences as you discern which curriculum might be the best fit for your context.
Lectionary & Scripture-based Top Picks (Updated 2023)
1. God’s World in Community
This curriculum is designed for short intergenerational formation sessions. The lessons provide a scripture reading, group activity, and prayer. They can be used for in-person gatherings, online programs, or at-home formation.
Additional Information
- Publisher and date: GenOn Ministries, 2021 – 2023 (not affiliated with a specific church denomination)
- Contents: The curriculum is available for purchase by topic (“Advent,” “Lent,” “Creation Care,” etc.); there are 7 stand-alone sessions in each resource which are tied together by a common theme
2. Living the Word: Cross+Gen Education (Revised Common Lectionary or Narrative Lectionary)
Living the Word (RCL) is an intergenerational curriculum that follows the Revised Common Lectionary and liturgical year. The lessons highlight the gospel readings and church seasons or feast days, and they incorporate additional lectionary readings into session activities. Living the Word (NL) is similar but follows that particular lectionary.
Additional Information
- Publisher and date: Spirit & Truth Publishing, 2023, new publications annually (not affiliated with a specific church denomination, but the Theological Guidelines state that “Our Spirit & Truth: Kids resources are written from a Lutheran (ELCA) perspective”; see Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
- Contents: The curriculum is available for purchase by year or by season (fall, winter, spring); price is based on number of participants
3. Mini Revolutions
This curriculum features lessons that engage lectionary scriptures, the liturgical year, and “micropractices.” Each lesson includes a scripture passage, discussion questions, an activity, coloring page, micropractice, and prayer. This curriculum is designed to be flexible enough for elementary age children’s formation, intergenerational groups, or adaptation to youth groups.
Additional Information
- Publisher and date: Illustrated Ministry, 2023 (not affiliated with a specific church denomination)
- Contents: This is a monthly subscription digital product; single months can be purchased separately
Relationship Building Top Picks (Updated 2023)
1. Living In Faith Together (LIFT)
This curriculum incorporates meals, learning, worship, and play to build relationships and community across generations. Sessions are stand alone and designed for 45 – 60-minute gatherings. The curriculum is available in 4-session units or full 12-session sets.
Additional Information
- Publisher and date: GenOn Ministries, 2021 – 2022 (not affiliated with a specific church denomination)
- Contents: The curriculum is available for purchase in sets (3 units of 4 sessions each) or individual units
This curriculum is designed for weekly intergenerational gatherings to deepen relationships with God and one another. Lessons feature Bible study, recreation, a meal, and worship. While this curriculum can also fit as a scripture-based type, we placed it in this list because its primary emphasis is on building intergenerational relationships.
Additional Information
- Publisher and date: GenOn Ministries, 2016 – present (not affiliated with a specific church denomination)
- Contents: The curriculum is available for purchase in sets of 4 full sessions; many additional resources are also available, some for purchase and some free
Thematic & Seasonal Top Picks (Updated 2023)
1. All God’s Children: The Church Family Gathers
This curriculum is designed for intergenerational gatherings for special events, including liturgical seasons, summer, and retreats. Each resource includes 5 – 7 sessions. Lessons provide theme decoration suggestions, meal menus, Bible study, activities, and prayer.
Additional Information
- Publisher and date: GenOn Ministries, 2013 – 2022 (not affiliated with a specific church denomination)
- Contents: The curriculum is available for purchase by topic (“Advent,” “Lent,” “Summer,” etc.); prices, number of sessions, and length of sessions vary
2. Current
This curriculum consists of three different topical series that include intergenerational lessons as well as age-specific lessons for preschool and elementary age children, middle and high school youth, and adults. The series available are: “Seeking Justice Together,” “Seeking God Together,” and “Seeking Peace Together.” Each includes 12 – 13 flexible sessions that explore the theme. Curriculum includes teaching resources, participant pages, and a reader’s theater for each session.
Additional Information
- Publisher and date: co-published by Brethren Press and MennoMedia, 2021 – 2023 (Church of the Brethren, Mennonite Church USA, and Mennonite Church Canada)
- Contents: Each guide includes a full quarter of session plans with reproducible student pages, teaching resources, and a reader’s theater for each session
3. Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living
This curriculum emphasizes the life of Jesus and bringing faith practices into daily life. It offers 27 units in a three-year series with lessons tailored to intergenerational sessions as well as to young children, multi-age children’s groups, youth, and adults. The intergenerational lessons are part of the “Congregational Guide” in the curriculum. Each unit features one intergenerational lesson that can be used in conjunction with the curriculum’s age-specific materials or on its own. The Congregational Guide also provides ways to connect the curriculum to worship and other areas of church life.
Additional Information
- Publisher and date: Growing Faith Resources, 2020 – present, with more lessons forthcoming (Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.))
- Contents: The Congregational Guide aspect of this curriculum is available for purchase by topic (“Lament,” “Do Justice,” “Pray,” etc.)
4. Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints
This curriculum accompanies the book Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints. It seeks to help participants explore “holy troublemaking” and learn about people who were “troublemakers” in practicing love and justice.
Additional Information
- Publisher and date: Watchfire Media, 2021
- Age Group: intergenerational (lessons are designed for children ages 8–14 with activity options for younger and older participants)
- Contents: The curriculum offers 12 lessons designed for 30 – 40-minute sessions with options for extending the session
5. Intergenerational Learning Programs & Activities
This curriculum offers intergenerational formation on a variety of topics related to Christian faith, theology, ethics, liturgy, and practices. Topics include “Christian Practices,” “The Creed,” “Jesus and Discipleship,” “Justice, Peace, Care for Creation,” “Moral Living,” “Advent,” “Lent,” and more. Each series includes 5 – 12 sessions.
Additional Information
- Publisher and date: Lifelong Faith Associates, 2003 for “Church Year,” revised editions of all other topics except “Christian Practices” in 2021 – 2022, first edition of “Christian Practices” in 2021 – 2022 (founder’s background is Roman Catholic, but sessions are created for use in any Christian church except where otherwise noted)
- Contents: The curriculum is available as free downloads
Editor’s Note: This article was last published on July 12, 2022. It has been revised, updated, and republished on July 26, 2023.
This article contains Amazon affiliate links that benefit Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary.
Featured image is by skalekar1992 on Pixabay
If people are looking for outdoors Intergenerational material, http://www.muddychurch.co.uk has lots of resources for Bible based sessions and trails. Most items are free to download or can be purchased pre-printed. Great for exploring creation and engaging with faith journeys at all ages.
Miatta Wilson
Thanks for including pieces from the PCUSA store. The Office of Christian Formation in the PMA of the PCUSA would also like you to know there is a new Intergenerational Retreat on the theme of creation and Activities available for free download from https://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/theology-formation-and-evangelism/office-of-christian-formation/intergenerational-formation/