We often hear the word “mentor” used casually to describe someone who has made a deep impact on someone’s life either personally or professionally. Some churches harness the power of this specific type of relationship during Confirmation programs. What does an intentional mentoring relationship within a parish context look like? Can it be used outside of a time-bound program like Confirmation? What components are needed to make these relationships flourish? In this webinar, panelist Carol Pinkham Oak will explores all this and more!
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Resources From This Webinar
- View the slides of the presentation here on our Google Drive
- The Building Faith article is here with our presenter’s bio
- Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time by Susan Scott
- Safe Church and Safe Sanctuaries are resources and trainings for the protection of children, youth, and vulnerable adults
- The Importance of Mentors by Sharon Ely Pearson
- Mentoring: The Missing Key to Confirmation? by Kate Siberine
- Help for Mentor Coordinators from the Mennonite Church USA
- Asking Better Questions to Spark Faith Formation by Rick Lawrence
- Why Your Church Needs Group Mentoring with Natasha Sistrunk Robinson from Christian Century
- Biblical Basis for Mentoring from Prison Fellowship
About Our Panelist
The Rev. Carol Pinkham Oak has more than 20 years of research on mentoring priests in her ministry profile. As the Program Director of the Lilly Endowment-funded Thriving in Ministry program at VTS, she trains creates opportunities for personal and vocational growth for church leaders through facilitated peer learning groups and intentional mentoring.