“May they serve you in nurturing the spiritual growth off all who are entrusted in their care. Bless each one gathered here, enabling them to be channels of your grace…”
Building Excitement
This summer thousands of churches will be actively engaging the children in their community by teaching them songs and Bible verses, and sending them home each day with a taste of God’s Love.
Churches leading VBS are also forming the adults and teens who volunteer. Recognizing those who lead the children during their daily camp is an important aspect of the ministry of church camp. Send your volunteers into the glittery fray, reminding them that they do important work on behalf of everyone in your congregation!
Prayer for Blessing and Commissioning Vacation Bible School
The Blessing below is from Centre Street United Methodist Church, Cumberland, MD.
Prayer (said by all)
Loving God, you have entrusted us with the message of your power, grace, justice, and love. We ask for your guidance, that we may be teachers and learners together. Believing that you are in our midst, we set apart those who would serve in our Vacation Bible School. May they serve you in nurturing the spiritual growth of all who are entrusted in their care. Bless each one gathered here, enabling them to be channels of your grace. We pray all these things through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Pastor to VBS Teachers and Helpers:
You have recognized God’s call in your lives.
Will you endeavor to develop your gifts for teaching so as to continue to pass on the
Christian faith?
Will you be faithful to the task, taking seriously the commitment of time and talent?
Will you take seriously your role as learner, studying diligently the Scriptures and VBS lessons for each day?
VBS Teachers and Helpers:
We have heard God’s call to teach and lead Vacation Bible School for our church.
We teach, trusting in God’s support, sustaining grace and empowerment for this task.
We teach, relying on prayer and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
We teach, inviting others to recognize and respond to God’s call in their lives.
We teach, depending on our church family to uphold us in prayer, love and support.
All say: Amen!