Dare to be Different
Note: Because this is a perennial VBS, the review has not been updated since it was originally written.
Cost: $49.95 (download)
Film rental is extra; churches may also incur costs for public performance rights to show the film.
Dare to be Different is a one-week journey into Madeleine L’Engle’s book, A Wrinkle in Time. Portions of the 2003 Disney film by the same name are shown each morning. Through games, activities and crafts, children learn about spiritual gifts, differences among people and the power of love. Characters from the novel act as guides for the 5-day program including Meg Murry, her brother Charles and a friend, Calvin O’Keefe, along with many out-of-this-world beings.
Themes for each day:
Session 1 – Our Special Gifts
Session 2 – Following the Footsteps of Saints
Session 3 – Daring to be Different
Session 4 – Foolishness, Faith, and Free Will
Session 5 – The Power of Love
Age Levels: K – Elementary
X Director’s Guide
- Primary expense is the downloadable curriculum.
- L’Engle’s book, a best-seller for more than 50 years, is grounded in Christian tradition and theology, mixing faith and science, religion and fiction
- Staffing may be easier when using a beloved children’s book as the VBS theme.
- There is room for great creativity.
- Children are introduced to yoga, a valuable resource.
- No information is provided about securing public performance rights for showing a feature-length film, or how to acquire the film.
- Instructions for crafts and snacks are minimal, as is information on organizing the week.
- Many adults (or youth) with acting talents are required.
- There is no suggested mission/outreach focus.
- Music consists of a simple list of titles, without reference to specific hymnals or songbooks.
Reviewed by Joyce Walker.