I was in our local grocery store around lunch time recently and witnessed someone shoplifting. There was no doubt about it. Two …
Continue Reading about Shoplifting and Teachable Moments: A Hopeful Story
I was in our local grocery store around lunch time recently and witnessed someone shoplifting. There was no doubt about it. Two …
Continue Reading about Shoplifting and Teachable Moments: A Hopeful Story
"Gradually you will begin to notice God's gentle guidance to choose those things that bring enduring joy." God's Presence …
"Organize units of study around common themes such as prayer, compassion, service, or forgiveness in a comparative religions …
Continue Reading about Interfaith Literacy: 3 Suggestions From Eboo Patel
"If the Church is to take seriously the larger context of its universal mission, it needs to note the cultural shifts and current …
Continue Reading about Going for Growth: Church of England Statement on Welcoming Children
Stages of Parenting In his insightful book, Reinventing Youth Ministry (Again), Wayne Rice draws a comparison between …
Continue Reading about Church Programming is a Bit Like Parenting(!)
When I was a little girl, Sundays were really special. We always went to church. Our little Lutheran Church had clear …
Continue Reading about A Palace in Time: Reflecting on the Need for Sabbath
"On this day, Americans of every age and background celebrate Dr. King through service projects that strengthen communities, …
Helping Teachers Help Children Most teachers in our churches are volunteers. We can help them provide positive …
Continue Reading about 10 Tips for Preventive Discipline with Children
Some books are just meant to be used. I am talking about really used . . . not just read . . . but really …
Continue Reading about Book Review: Awakening the Creative Spirit
"The finders of two dry beans might become king and queen of the Epiphany party. In New Orleans, the finder of a hidden black bean …
Continue Reading about Plan an Epiphany Party… With King Cake!