Celebrating Pentecost Pentecost is a Christian feast day. We celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit, which is the very …
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The Rev. Matthew Kozlowski serves as Associate Rector at All Saints Church in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Matthew lives his wife and two daughters. He recently completed a PhD in Christian Spirituality. Throughout his career he has been a teacher, camp counselor, school chaplain, camp chaplain, Sunday school teacher, parish priest, and Alpha course coordinator.
The Rev. Matthew Kozlowski serves as Associate Rector at All Saints Church in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Matthew lives his wife and two daughters. He recently completed a PhD in Christian Spirituality. Throughout his career he has been a teacher, camp counselor, school chaplain, camp chaplain, Sunday school teacher, parish priest, and Alpha course coordinator.
Celebrating Pentecost Pentecost is a Christian feast day. We celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit, which is the very …
Continue Reading about Pentecost Activity: Tongue of Fire Hat
"Through it all we are building relationships. Most importantly, we are planting Bible stories in children's hearts where they …
Continue Reading about 6 Items Every Sunday School Room Needs
"These folks are up for new things. If I can use my leadership to make the right connections and help Holy Trinity to serve the …
Continue Reading about Urban Ministry: A Conversation with Ramelle McCall
Throughout my career as a minister I have participated in many Vacation Bible School weeks, and regardless of the church or the …
"Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all." -Isaac Watts, 1707 When I Survey the …
Continue Reading about On Good Friday: A Word from Isaac Watts
"And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the …
"If we focus on Christ and his birth, our household rituals will draw us to the light of his coming." Christmas Eve Rituals What …
Continue Reading about 5 Household Rituals for Christmas Eve
"When you buy or rent a movie, it is for personal use – meaning you can show it at home with family and friends. When you show …
Continue Reading about Showing Movies at Church: Do I Need a License?
"The overall message of Kids and Prayer is that people can pray to God at any time, in any place, and in many ways." What is Kids …
"VBS is where the church really shines, showing values of community, education, Scripture, and nurturing children." Clergy …
Continue Reading about Why VBS Needs Clergy… and Why Clergy Need VBS