Bryant Johnson (he/him/his)

Bryant Johnson is a Senior Consultant with Ministry Architects and has been a member of the team since 2010. Since that time, he has supported over 120 churches with many denominations and judicatories and provides support for other consultants on the Ministry Architects team. He created the Volunteer Recruitment Intensive, helped launch the Sustainable Stewardship eCourse, and hosted The Sustainable Ministry Show. He began working in ministry in 1996 in the United Methodist Church. He has been a worship speaker for summer camps, taught seminars for pastors, children’s directors and youth directors, and written curriculum for the Florida United Methodist Camping programs. Bryant graduated from Florida Southern College with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology in 1996. In his free time, Bryant enjoys all things outdoors, technology, movies, and spending time with his wife, Tonya, and two boys in Kernersville, NC.