Bailey nips at me every morning when I scratch him. He is excited about our morning time together, so eager and present. His …
What Would Jesus Eat? Christians and Vegetarianism
I am not a vegetarian, but know many, including family members. Recently I became aware of the Christian …
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What is a Saint? Books for Children and Adults
"In the Bible, the word “saints” refers to holy people — holy, however, not primarily in the moral sense, but in the sense of …
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Reflection: The Rise of the “Nones”
The Pew Forum’s recent report “None’s on the Rise” has caused much commentary about the current state of American society and the …
Stewarding the Other 90%
Rolf Jacobson is associate professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary. The following article is part of the Stewardship …
What Adults Can Learn from Kids
The following TED talk could be used as part of a church parenting class, or other educational setting. Adora Svitak begins her …
Digging Deeper: The Arts and Faith Formation
For over 2,000 years, Christians have learned the poetry of their faith from gospel stories, stained glass windows, the …
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10 Guiding Principles for Church School Teachers
The first day of a new academic year, whether it be in school or Church School can set the tone for the rest of the …
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Creating a Summer Rhythm for Households
"As you look at your summer calendar, make sure there are days on the calendar where there is nothing planned. There should be …
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Honoring the Teaching Ministry
It’s that time of year when we begin thinking about how we can best honor and acknowledge our teachers. This takes on …