I believe invitations to remix the tradition, even slightly irreverently, are a profound opportunity to help our people love and …
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Kyle Matthew Oliver is an educational media producer and researcher and a doctoral candidate in the Communications, Media, and Learning Technologies Design Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. He serves as communication and marketing manager and adjunct instructor in Christian education at Church Divinity School of the Pacific. Previously he was digital missioner in what was then the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary and led development of the e-Formation Learning Community and Digital Literacies for Ministry research project.
Kyle Matthew Oliver is an educational media producer and researcher and a doctoral candidate in the Communications, Media, and Learning Technologies Design Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. He serves as communication and marketing manager and adjunct instructor in Christian education at Church Divinity School of the Pacific. Previously he was digital missioner in what was then the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary and led development of the e-Formation Learning Community and Digital Literacies for Ministry research project.
I believe invitations to remix the tradition, even slightly irreverently, are a profound opportunity to help our people love and …
Continue Reading about Remixing A (Mostly) Beloved Hymn to Prompt Faith Reflection
In 1989, Maria Harris, a Roman Catholic educator, published Fashion Me a People: Curriculum in the Church, and Christian …
"Early on the Second Day of Christmas, I was thinking about a creative way to “keep the feast” that might fill actually fill my …
Continue Reading about Keeping the Feast: 12 Days of Christmas
Ultimately the well-formed life of prayer is about unifying that experience: two sides of the same card. Gamifying the Liturgy I …
Continue Reading about Illuminated Cards to Teach the Liturgy
"I knew I wanted a fun, informal, social way to engage myself and others in sensory-rich faith reflection during this season. The …
Continue Reading about Lenten Playlist: Expanding Our Vocabulary of Sacred
A few weeks before writing this article I saw a tweet from British comedian, actress, and writer Bethany Black. It’s the kind of …
"Day by day, the task of being present online to your members, and hopefully your neighborhood, will feel less like a pipe dream …
Continue Reading about Your Church Facebook Page Needs a Plan: Here’s How to Make One
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." -Hebrews 13:8 Christian Faith Apps for your Phone Looking to tap into …
Continue Reading about Top 3 Smartphone Apps for Forming Faith
"If we're serious about forming faith to sustain young adults... we have to trust that the Christian spiritual tradition has much …
Continue Reading about Formation with Young Adults: How Churches Reach 20s & 30s
As a dedicated faith formation resource person with a specialization in digital media, I have observed that young adult ministers …