Something for everyone. Nourishment for spirits of all ages. Perhaps not the quiet and contemplative Advent event I thought I …
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Christina (Tina) Clark serves as Director of Christian Formation at Saint John’s Cathedral in Denver, Colorado, and is the author of the resource book Arts Camp: A Creative, Customizable Alternative to Vacation Bible School and Beyond and of the novel Little Gods on Earth. Tina lives in Denver, has two teenage sons, and loves all things church, the Rocky Mountains, and the Pacific Ocean. Tina’s calling is to create meaningful formational experiences for all ages, from Godly Play for little ones about to be baptized to exploring all aspects of faith with teens and adults. A staunch advocate for social justice, Tina yearns to walk every day in the Baptismal Covenant to seek and serve Christ by striving for justice and peace among all people and respecting the dignity of every human being…even the ones with whom she ardently disagrees.
Christina (Tina) Clark serves as Director of Christian Formation at Saint John’s Cathedral in Denver, Colorado, and is the author of the resource book Arts Camp: A Creative, Customizable Alternative to Vacation Bible School and Beyond and of the novel Little Gods on Earth. Tina lives in Denver, has two teenage sons, and loves all things church, the Rocky Mountains, and the Pacific Ocean. Tina’s calling is to create meaningful formational experiences for all ages, from Godly Play for little ones about to be baptized to exploring all aspects of faith with teens and adults. A staunch advocate for social justice, Tina yearns to walk every day in the Baptismal Covenant to seek and serve Christ by striving for justice and peace among all people and respecting the dignity of every human being…even the ones with whom she ardently disagrees.
Something for everyone. Nourishment for spirits of all ages. Perhaps not the quiet and contemplative Advent event I thought I …
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“Tina, why do you believe in God?” As a youth and family minister, I talk about God. A lot. As a parent I talk about God with my …
"The keys are flexibility and fellowship; this is not about the production, but about the children being invited to step forward …
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“I haven’t told anyone else about this yet . . . ” I have become the holder of many confidences. Musings, plans, ideas, and …
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"No sooner had we turned our backs than the same squirrel grabbed a bite-sized candy bar I’d missed, deftly opened the wrapper and …
"We process out before the readings begin, and head upstairs for Children’s Chapel. This is definitely a work in progress, but …
"Arts Camp week fills our usually quiet old building with joy, song, laughter, and energy; as well as discovery and exploration. …
There is a challenging child in every group. As Christian educators we may have opportunities to learn about autism, learning …
Children in Church There is a conversation in our parish, as in so many churches around the country, about what role children and …
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I went to the movie all by myself yesterday afternoon - a first for me! I can't tell you whether the "f" word was used or …
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